Saturday, December 29, 2007

Display Google Adsense in Feedburner RSS Feeds

December 22, 2007 By Gobala Krishnan
If you’re using Feedburner for your blog’s RSS subscription, you should know by now that since Google bought over Feedburner, you can have your Adsense ads display within your Feedburner RSS feeds.

To do this, simple login to your Feedburner account and select your feed. Then click on “Monetize” and you should see a page that requires your Google Adsense account information, such as:

Your email address for the Adsense account
Your postal code (additional verification)

Once you’ve entered the details, you’ll be sent a verification email from Google Adsense, and you need to verify by clicking on a link. Then you’re taken to a page where you have to grant access to Feedburner, that allows Feedburner to retrieve and send information to and from your Adsense account.

Once you’ve done that, you should now see a page like the one below in your Feedburner account under “Monetize”:
Click “Activate” to activate the service, and build your Adsense ad format and colors as you would normally do when putting Adsense into your site or blog. If you have multiple RSS feeds you’ll need to activate it for each feed, and you can use the same account settings.
Note: For some reason your Custom Channels and Custom Palettes don’t show up in Feedburner. You have to sign-out and sign-in again for these to work properly.

Once you’ve build your ad, you’ll be given a specific code to paste into your Wordpress theme files, and the instructions given on how to this are pretty clear. If you’re already using Feddburner FeedFlares on your site, Adsense will show up automatically and you don’t really need to do anything.

There are some limitations with this service however:
You can only display ads in the 468×60 and 300×250 format
You cannot choose to show only text ads, so I’m guessing it will default to the configuration you’ve set in your Adsense account itself
Once you’ve inserted the codes, Adsense ads who up on both your blog and your RSS feed, you cannot choose to display in your RSS feed only


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